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👋 Welcome to the platform introduction

Our main mission is to support and guide you along the journey until you reach your goals and access a sustainable and positive situation for you.

👈 I am Yoann, the founder of Dathappy and I am glad to see you there. If you have any problems or questions, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to know more about you and to help.

<aside> 👉 Curious about what it looks like when you join? Access the demo page and explore the profile & experience of “Hope” here.


Quick links:

<aside> 💡 In modern Economies, more than 4 in 5 jobs require at least a basic Digital competence because organizations need it to be more efficient and help collaboration

In manufacturing alone, 20 million new jobs around the globe could go to robots by 2030, according to Oxford Economics. However, the World Economic Forum expects this mixture of human and machine to lead to 133 million new roles by 2022. Robots may be filling some roles, but they're also creating new ones that will demand talent with relevant tech skills.


🎯 Where do I start?

Set your goals and start building your knowledge, confidence, and skills while practicing your technical and soft skills.

We are here to support your learning journey and bring the best experience, from your first goals & experience until success.

🚀→ Log In / Sign Up to access your personalized space and journey

Digital skills will be one essential pillar of your sustainable employment (= your capacity to navigate the workforce needs now and in the future) and each person will leverage it in their own way to achieve great things.

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